.. -*- mode: rst -*- ===================== The full Pygments API ===================== This page describes the Pygments API. High-level API ============== Functions from the `pygments` module: def `lex(code, lexer):` Lex `code` with the `lexer` (must be a `Lexer` instance) and return an iterable of tokens. Currently, this only calls `lexer.get_tokens()`. def `format(tokens, formatter, outfile=None):` Format a token stream (iterable of tokens) `tokens` with the `formatter` (must be a `Formatter` instance). The result is written to `outfile`, or if that is ``None``, returned as a string. def `highlight(code, lexer, formatter, outfile=None):` This is the most high-level highlighting function. It combines `lex` and `format` in one function. Functions from `pygments.lexers`: def `get_lexer_by_name(alias, **options):` Return an instance of a `Lexer` subclass that has `alias` in its aliases list. The lexer is given the `options` at its instantiation. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no lexer with that alias is found. def `get_lexer_for_filename(fn, **options):` Return a `Lexer` subclass instance that has a filename pattern matching `fn`. The lexer is given the `options` at its instantiation. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no lexer for that filename is found. def `get_lexer_for_mimetype(mime, **options):` Return a `Lexer` subclass instance that has `mime` in its mimetype list. The lexer is given the `options` at its instantiation. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if not lexer for that mimetype is found. def `guess_lexer(text, **options):` Return a `Lexer` subclass instance that's guessed from the text in `text`. For that, the `analyse_text()` method of every known lexer class is called with the text as argument, and the lexer which returned the highest value will be instantiated and returned. `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` is raised if no lexer thinks it can handle the content. def `guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, text, **options):` As `guess_lexer()`, but only lexers which have a pattern in `filenames` or `alias_filenames` that matches `filename` are taken into consideration. `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` is raised if no lexer thinks it can handle the content. def `get_all_lexers():` Return an iterable over all registered lexers, yielding tuples in the format:: (longname, tuple of aliases, tuple of filename patterns, tuple of mimetypes) *New in Pygments 0.6.* Functions from `pygments.formatters`: def `get_formatter_by_name(alias, **options):` Return an instance of a `Formatter` subclass that has `alias` in its aliases list. The formatter is given the `options` at its instantiation. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no formatter with that alias is found. def `get_formatter_for_filename(fn, **options):` Return a `Formatter` subclass instance that has a filename pattern matching `fn`. The formatter is given the `options` at its instantiation. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no formatter for that filename is found. Functions from `pygments.styles`: def `get_style_by_name(name):` Return a style class by its short name. The names of the builtin styles are listed in `pygments.styles.STYLE_MAP`. Will raise `pygments.util.ClassNotFound` if no style of that name is found. def `get_all_styles():` Return an iterable over all registered styles, yielding their names. *New in Pygments 0.6.* Lexers ====== A lexer (derived from `pygments.lexer.Lexer`) has the following functions: def `__init__(self, **options):` The constructor. Takes a \*\*keywords dictionary of options. Every subclass must first process its own options and then call the `Lexer` constructor, since it processes the `stripnl`, `stripall` and `tabsize` options. An example looks like this: .. sourcecode:: python def __init__(self, **options): self.compress = options.get('compress', '') Lexer.__init__(self, **options) As these options must all be specifiable as strings (due to the command line usage), there are various utility functions available to help with that, see `Option processing`_. def `get_tokens(self, text):` This method is the basic interface of a lexer. It is called by the `highlight()` function. It must process the text and return an iterable of ``(tokentype, value)`` pairs from `text`. Normally, you don't need to override this method. The default implementation processes the `stripnl`, `stripall` and `tabsize` options and then yields all tokens from `get_tokens_unprocessed()`, with the ``index`` dropped. def `get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):` This method should process the text and return an iterable of ``(index, tokentype, value)`` tuples where ``index`` is the starting position of the token within the input text. This method must be overridden by subclasses. def `analyse_text(text):` A static method which is called for lexer guessing. It should analyse the text and return a float in the range from ``0.0`` to ``1.0``. If it returns ``0.0``, the lexer will not be selected as the most probable one, if it returns ``1.0``, it will be selected immediately. For a list of known tokens have a look at the `Tokens`_ page. A lexer also can have the following attributes (in fact, they are mandatory except `alias_filenames`) that are used by the builtin lookup mechanism. `name` Full name for the lexer, in human-readable form. `aliases` A list of short, unique identifiers that can be used to lookup the lexer from a list, e.g. using `get_lexer_by_name()`. `filenames` A list of `fnmatch` patterns that match filenames which contain content for this lexer. The patterns in this list should be unique among all lexers. `alias_filenames` A list of `fnmatch` patterns that match filenames which may or may not contain content for this lexer. This list is used by the `guess_lexer_for_filename()` function, to determine which lexers are then included in guessing the correct one. That means that e.g. every lexer for HTML and a template language should include ``\*.html`` in this list. `mimetypes` A list of MIME types for content that can be lexed with this lexer. .. _Tokens: tokens.txt Formatters ========== A formatter (derived from `pygments.formatter.Formatter`) has the following functions: def `__init__(self, **options):` As with lexers, this constructor processes options and then must call the base class `__init__`. The `Formatter` class recognizes the options `style`, `full` and `title`. It is up to the formatter class whether it uses them. def `get_style_defs(self, arg=''):` This method must return statements or declarations suitable to define the current style for subsequent highlighted text (e.g. CSS classes in the `HTMLFormatter`). The optional argument `arg` can be used to modify the generation and is formatter dependent (it is standardized because it can be given on the command line). This method is called by the ``-S`` `command-line option`_, the `arg` is then given by the ``-a`` option. def `format(self, tokensource, outfile):` This method must format the tokens from the `tokensource` iterable and write the formatted version to the file object `outfile`. Formatter options can control how exactly the tokens are converted. .. _command-line option: cmdline.txt A formatter must have the following attributes that are used by the builtin lookup mechanism. (*New in Pygments 0.7.*) `name` Full name for the formatter, in human-readable form. `aliases` A list of short, unique identifiers that can be used to lookup the formatter from a list, e.g. using `get_formatter_by_name()`. `filenames` A list of `fnmatch` patterns that match filenames for which this formatter can produce output. The patterns in this list should be unique among all formatters. Option processing ================= The `pygments.util` module has some utility functions usable for option processing: class `OptionError` This exception will be raised by all option processing functions if the type or value of the argument is not correct. def `get_bool_opt(options, optname, default=None):` Interpret the key `optname` from the dictionary `options` as a boolean and return it. Return `default` if `optname` is not in `options`. The valid string values for ``True`` are ``1``, ``yes``, ``true`` and ``on``, the ones for ``False`` are ``0``, ``no``, ``false`` and ``off`` (matched case-insensitively). def `get_int_opt(options, optname, default=None):` As `get_bool_opt`, but interpret the value as an integer. def `get_list_opt(options, optname, default=None):` If the key `optname` from the dictionary `options` is a string, split it at whitespace and return it. If it is already a list or a tuple, it is returned as a list. def `get_choice_opt(options, optname, allowed, default=None):` If the key `optname` from the dictionary is not in the sequence `allowed`, raise an error, otherwise return it. *New in Pygments 0.8.*