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Class JSONInstance

Defined in: jsv.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
JSONInstance(env, json, uri, fd)
A wrapper class for binding an Environment, URI and helper methods to an instance.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Return if the provided value is the same as the value of the instance.
Returns the environment the instance is bound to.
Returns all the property instances of the target instance.
Returns a JSONInstance of the value of the provided property name.
Returns an array of the names of all the properties.
Returns the name of the type of the instance.
Returns the URI of the instance.
Returns the JSON value of the instance.
Returns the JSON value of the provided property name.
Returns a resolved URI of a provided relative URI against the URI of the instance.
Class Detail
JSONInstance(env, json, uri, fd)
A wrapper class for binding an Environment, URI and helper methods to an instance. This class is most commonly instantiated with Environment#createInstance.
{Environment} env
The environment this instance belongs to
{JSONInstance|Any} json
The value of the instance
{String} uri Optional
The URI of the instance. If undefined, the URI will be a randomly generated UUID.
{String} fd Optional
The fragment delimiter for properties. If undefined, uses the environment default.
Method Detail
{Boolean} equals(instance)
Return if the provided value is the same as the value of the instance.
{JSONInstance|Any} instance
The value to compare
{Boolean} If both the instance and the value match

{Environment} getEnvironment()
Returns the environment the instance is bound to.
{Environment} The environment of the instance

{Object|Array|undefined} getProperties()
Returns all the property instances of the target instance.

If the target instance is an Object, then the method will return a hash table of JSONInstances of all the properties. If the target instance is an Array, then the method will return an array of JSONInstances of all the items.

{Object|Array|undefined} The list of instances for all the properties

{JSONInstance} getProperty(key)
Returns a JSONInstance of the value of the provided property name.
{String} key
The name of the property to fetch
{JSONInstance} The instance of the property value

{Array} getPropertyNames()
Returns an array of the names of all the properties.
{Array} An array of strings which are the names of all the properties

{String} getType()
Returns the name of the type of the instance.
{String} The name of the type of the instance

{String} getURI()
Returns the URI of the instance.
{String} The URI of the instance

{Any} getValue()
Returns the JSON value of the instance.
{Any} The actual JavaScript value of the instance

{Any} getValueOfProperty(key)
Returns the JSON value of the provided property name. This method is a faster version of calling instance.getProperty(key).getValue().
{String} key
The name of the property
{Any} The JavaScript value of the instance

{String} resolveURI(uri)
Returns a resolved URI of a provided relative URI against the URI of the instance.
{String} uri
The relative URI to resolve
{String} The resolved URI

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 14 2011 18:53:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)