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Class Report

Defined in: jsv.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Reports are returned from validation methods to describe the result of a validation.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
An array of ValidationError objects that define all the errors generated by the schema against the instance.
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the generated instance.
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the generated schema.
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the schema's schema.
A hash table of every instance and what schemas were validated against it.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addError(instance, schema, attr, message, details)
Adds a ValidationError object to the errors field.
isValidatedBy(uri, schemaUri)
Returns if an instance with the provided URI has been validated by the schema with the provided URI.
registerValidation(uri, schemaUri)
Registers that the provided instance URI has been validated by the provided schema URI.
Class Detail
Reports are returned from validation methods to describe the result of a validation.
Field Detail
{Array} errors
An array of ValidationError objects that define all the errors generated by the schema against the instance.

{JSONInstance} instance
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the generated instance.

{JSONSchema} schema
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the generated schema.

{JSONSchema} schemaSchema
If the report is generated by Environment#validate, this field is the schema's schema. This value is the same as calling schema.getSchema().

{Object} validated
A hash table of every instance and what schemas were validated against it.

The key of each item in the table is the URI of the instance that was validated. The value of this key is an array of strings of URIs of the schema that validated it.

Method Detail
addError(instance, schema, attr, message, details)
Adds a ValidationError object to the errors field.
{JSONInstance|String} instance
The instance (or instance URI) that is invalid
{JSONSchema|String} schema
The schema (or schema URI) that was validating the instance
{String} attr
The attribute that failed to validated
{String} message
A user-friendly message on why the schema attribute failed to validate the instance
{Any} details
The value of the schema attribute

{Boolean} isValidatedBy(uri, schemaUri)
Returns if an instance with the provided URI has been validated by the schema with the provided URI.
{String} uri
The URI of the instance
{String} schemaUri
The URI of a schema
{Boolean} If the instance has been validated by the schema.

registerValidation(uri, schemaUri)
Registers that the provided instance URI has been validated by the provided schema URI. This is recorded in the validated field.
{String} uri
The URI of the instance that was validated
{String} schemaUri
The URI of the schema that validated the instance

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 14 2011 18:53:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)