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Namespace JSV

Defined in: jsv.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A globaly accessible object that provides the ability to create and manage Environments, as well as providing utility methods.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Creates and returns a new Environment that is a clone of the environment registered with the provided ID.
Returns the ID of the default environment.
Returns if the provide value is an instance of JSONInstance.
Returns if the provide value is an instance of JSONSchema.
JSV.registerEnvironment(id, env)
Registers the provided Environment with the provided ID.
Sets which registered ID is the default environment.
Utility Method Summary
Utility Method Attributes Utility Method Name and Description
JSV.clone(o, deep)
Creates a copy of the target object.
Return a new object that inherits all of the properties of the provided object.
Properly escapes a URI component for embedding into a URI string.
JSV.filterArray(arr, iterator, scope)
Returns a new array that only contains the items allowed by the iterator.
Returns a URI that is formated for JSV.
JSV.inherits(base, extra, extension)
Merges two schemas/instance together.
Returns an array of the names of all properties of an object.
JSV.mapArray(arr, iterator, scope)
Returns a new array with each item transformed by the iterator.
JSV.mapObject(obj, iterator, scope)
Returns a new object with each property transformed by the iterator.
JSV.popFirst(arr, o)
Mutates the array by removing the first item that matches the provided value in the array.
JSV.pushUnique(arr, o)
Mutates the array by pushing the provided value onto the array only if it is not already there.
Generates a pseudo-random UUID.
JSV.searchArray(arr, o)
Returns the first index in the array that the provided item is located at.
Returns an array representation of a value.
Returns the name of the type of the provided value.
Namespace Detail
A globaly accessible object that provides the ability to create and manage Environments, as well as providing utility methods.
Method Detail
<static> {Environment} JSV.createEnvironment(id)
Creates and returns a new Environment that is a clone of the environment registered with the provided ID. If no environment ID is provided, the default environment is cloned.
{String} id Optional
The ID of the environment to clone. If undefined, the default environment ID is used.
If there is no environment registered with the provided ID
{Environment} A newly cloned Environment

<static> {String} JSV.getDefaultEnvironmentID()
Returns the ID of the default environment.
{String} The ID of the default environment

<static> {Boolean} JSV.isJSONInstance(o)
Returns if the provide value is an instance of JSONInstance.
The value to test
{Boolean} If the provide value is an instance of JSONInstance

<static> {Boolean} JSV.isJSONSchema(o)
Returns if the provide value is an instance of JSONSchema.
The value to test
{Boolean} If the provide value is an instance of JSONSchema

<static> JSV.registerEnvironment(id, env)
Registers the provided Environment with the provided ID.
{String} id
The ID of the environment
{Environment} env
The environment to register

<static> JSV.setDefaultEnvironmentID(id)
Sets which registered ID is the default environment.
{String} id
The ID of the registered environment that is default
If there is no registered environment with the provided ID
Utility Method Detail
<static> JSV.clone(o, deep)
Creates a copy of the target object.

This method will create a new instance of the target, and then mixin the properties of the target. If deep is true, then each property will be cloned before mixin.

Warning: This is not a generic clone function, as it will only properly clone objects and arrays.

{Any} o
The value to clone
{Boolean} deep Optional, Default: false
If each property should be recursively cloned
A cloned copy of the provided value

<static> {Object} JSV.createObject(proto)
Return a new object that inherits all of the properties of the provided object.
{Object} proto
The prototype of the new object
{Object} A new object that inherits all of the properties of the provided object

<static> {String} JSV.escapeURIComponent(str)
Properly escapes a URI component for embedding into a URI string.
{String} str
The URI component to escape
{String} The escaped URI component

<static> {Array} JSV.filterArray(arr, iterator, scope)
Returns a new array that only contains the items allowed by the iterator.
{Array} arr
The array to filter
{Function} iterator
The function that returns true if the provided property should be added to the array
{Object} scope
The value of this within the iterator
{Array} A new array that contains the items allowed by the iterator

<static> {String} JSV.formatURI(uri)
Returns a URI that is formated for JSV. Currently, this only ensures that the URI ends with a hash tag (#).
{String} uri
The URI to format
{String} The URI formatted for JSV

<static> {Any} JSV.inherits(base, extra, extension)
Merges two schemas/instance together.
{JSONSchema|Any} base
The old value to merge
{JSONSchema|Any} extra
The new value to merge
{Boolean} extension
If the merge is a JSON Schema extension
{Any} The modified base value

<static> {Array} JSV.keys(o)
Returns an array of the names of all properties of an object.
{Object|Array} o
The object in question
{Array} The names of all properties

<static> {Array} JSV.mapArray(arr, iterator, scope)
Returns a new array with each item transformed by the iterator.
{Array} arr
The array to transform
{Function} iterator
A function that returns the new value of the provided item
{Object} scope
The value of this in the iterator
{Array} A new array with each item transformed

<static> {Object} JSV.mapObject(obj, iterator, scope)
Returns a new object with each property transformed by the iterator.
{Object} obj
The object to transform
{Function} iterator
A function that returns the new value of the provided property
{Object} scope Optional
The value of this in the iterator
{Object} A new object with each property transformed

<static> {Array} JSV.popFirst(arr, o)
Mutates the array by removing the first item that matches the provided value in the array.
{Array} arr
The array to modify
{Any} o
The object to remove from the array
{Array} The provided array for chaining

<static> {Array} JSV.pushUnique(arr, o)
Mutates the array by pushing the provided value onto the array only if it is not already there.
{Array} arr
The array to modify
{Any} o
The object to add to the array if it is not already there
{Array} The provided array for chaining

<static> {String} JSV.randomUUID()
Generates a pseudo-random UUID.
{String} A new universally unique ID

<static> {Number} JSV.searchArray(arr, o)
Returns the first index in the array that the provided item is located at.
{Array} arr
The array to search
{Any} o
The item being searched for
{Number} The index of the item in the array, or -1 if not found

<static> {Array} JSV.toArray(o)
Returns an array representation of a value.
{Any} o
The value to convert into an array
{Array} The value as an array

<static> {String} JSV.typeOf(o)
Returns the name of the type of the provided value.
{Any} o
The value to determine the type of
{String} The name of the type of the value

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 14 2011 18:53:24 GMT-0600 (MDT)